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Big T & little t Trauma
Big T and little t trauma are terms which are sometimes used to distinguish between different types of traumatic experiences.
Big T traumas are like tidal waves, while little t traumas are the drops of water that overflow the bathtub.
The Carbon Monoxide Metaphor
For clients who are dismissive of early experiences of neglect, absences, and omissions, the carbon monoxide metaphor can be a powerful tool in helping them understand the potentially negative impact of small-t traumas on their present day experience.
The ‘Other Shoe Drop’ Practice
Perhaps you’ve had the experience whereby everything in the moment is seemingly going well — the sun is shining, the children are playing happily — and you should not, by all reasonable measures, have a care in the world. Except that you do.
Forging a New Path
One of the metaphors that I like to use to help clients conceptualize and consider change is that of an open field of tall grass. When we engage in a repeated, reactive behavior, it is as if we walk the same path through a field from start to finish. Over time, that...
Target lists, treatment plans, and the three-pronged protocol: part three in a three part series
In part three of this series, we will discuss Shapiro’s Three-Pronged Protocol and how to reprocess the past, present, and future within a single target list.
Target lists, treatment plans, and the three pronged protocol: part two of a three part series
In part two, we will examine some of the key points in designing a treatment plan that best meets the needs of our client.
Target lists, treatment plans, & the 3-pronged protocol: part one of a three part series
This first installation in the series focuses on how to create symptom informed target lists.
The Adaptive Information Processing Model One of the many contributions made by the late Francine Shapiro was the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model. From her 1995 publication of “Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing basic principles. protocols, and...
Juicing the Good Stuff!
Resourcing Client Gains with this quick & powerful practice Our clients come to session with real and important concerns that require our focus and attention. This is the main task of clinical work and the reason people come to therapy — to focus on and fix...
SWEEPing your life into balance
FINDING BALANCE The second phase in the Standard 8-Phase Protocol of EMDR Therapy is the preparation phase. It is here that we prepare the client to begin to do the work of reprocessing past traumatic memories. Preparation means that we complete such tasks as orient...
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