Transfer Agreement

If you are unable to complete a training in which you are currently registered, you may request a transfer to a future EETC Basic Training program. To do so, please fill-out the Transfer Agreement and carefully read the terms of the requested transfer.

Once the Transfer Agreement is received, we will send you a confirmation email within 3 business days.


Transfer Agreement

  • Please complete the following Transfer Agreement form if you wish to request a transfer from an EETC Basic Training program in which you are currently registered to a future EETC Basic Training program.

  • Please read the following important information regarding transfers and indicate agreement after each. If you have questions about any of the transfer agreements, please do not hesitate to contact our office directly for clarification.

  • Please read the following carefully and in its entirety.
    • If tuition was paid in full, this amount will be applied to the future training program. If tuition was paid on the installment plan, any outstanding tuition amounts will be paid in full, on the dates originally agreed upon, and applied to the future training program. No refunds will be given for transfers.
    • A transfer fee of $150 will be applied to all transfers. This amount will be due at the time the transfer request is approved by EETC.
    • Participants may transfer between courses only twice and must pay an additional transfer fee if requesting a second transfer. After the second transfer request, the participant will be required to re-register for the Basic Training program and pay the tuition in full. In this case, prior tuition amounts will not be reimbursed.
    • If the time between the first and second Basic Training program dates is more than six months, transferring participants will be required to attend all four weekends of the subsequent training program.
    • If the time between the first and second Basic Training program dates is six months or less, and if transferring participant attended only weekend one, then participant may resume training at weekend two of the next subsequent training program.
    • If transferring participant initially attended only weekends one and two, then participant agrees to start again at weekend two.
    • If transferring participant initially attended weekends one, two and three, then participant may return and complete only weekend four.
    • Transferring participant may elect to start over and attend all four weekends of the subsequent Basic Training program.
    • For purposes of this agreement, if transferring participant attended only one day of any training weekend, it will be considered as if the participant had not attended that weekend at all and, consequently, the weekend will need to be attended in its entirety.
  • By providing your information and electronic signature below, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Transfer Agreement.
  • Clear Signature